Unity Tutorial 05

For this Unity tutorial I followed on from the previous tutorial which was learning about how to make the player character jump. This tutorial is lesson 3.2 and is titled "Make The World whiz By." A very fitting title as for this task I had to work on making it seem as though the world of the game carried on forever.

One of my first tasks in this tutorial was about making the background repeat. This was so that when the character is running that the background repeats itself so that to the player it seems as though the background (in this case a nature setting) goes on potentially forever.

I also edited the game over screen. Now once the player bumps into an obstacle the game stops altogether. The player & the background simultaneously stop moving with a small "Game Over" screen in the corner.


For the final task in this tutorial I made sure that objects were destroyed when they are moved off-screen. I had already done this in a previous task so this wasn't a particularly difficult task to do.

I completed this task rather quickly. I am beginning to think that not only am I enjoying these tasks but I may be getting faster at these tasks as a whole.


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