Unity Tutorial 01
Working on Unity proved to be a very unique experience. At first, I had a great deal of difficulty downloading Unity. I was unsure about which version to download and had difficulty using Unity-Hub. At one point I had multiple downloads of Unity. This is something I will seek to remedy when I am on the college campus next. It took numerous attempts but eventually I was able to get it. Beginning Unity proved difficult as I had named my files wrong. Fortunately, once I got into the swing of it I caught the hang of it very quickly, I must commend Unity for the fact that its software is easy to learn and master.
At first, I was very troubled using Visual Studio Code. Although I had it downloaded for some reason Unity kept opening a different app called Brackets instead, at first, I was very alarmed but fortunately a brief google search saved me and I was able to easily remedy the problem.
I felt elated when I had finally finished the tutorials and felt so happy to have it done. Although I am undoubtedly still a beginner, I hope that with time I will become better and master Unity.