Review Week Comments and Feedback


I can thankfully say that I have continuously received excellent feedback comments from my peers. The comments they have left on my blog posts have not only been friendly and supportive but they have also offered fantastic advice. When I was still brainstorming on potential ideas for a final video game one of my peers made an excellent comment about what I could add to one of my game ideas. I didn't follow through with this idea however if I had more time and more experience in creating a game I would definitely try to incorporate his comment into a game. I find comments which offer ideas on potential ideas I could work on in my game to be the best comments as they really help me with the potential future of my games and really get the creative side of my brain whirring. Although I can't understate the importance of comments which offer general support and friendly well wishes. I am proud to say that I can rate the comments I have received on my blog a ten out of ten.

In turn the comments I have been leaving on the blogs of other people have mostly been supportive in nature. Wishing that the person gets on well with the semester, that they achieve the grade they want to achieve and in general are happy with life. I also comment on blog posts which involves plans for their final projects offer support and advice. For the next few weeks I will be adding additional comments to all the blogs of my peers. These will mainly consist of ideas for what they could do with their games and also friendly support.

I firmly believe that my peers have gotten a better idea of who I am through my blog posts. I am especially proud of my introductory blog post. I decided to be honest about myself in my blog post as I wanted people to know more about me. Especially since we were all online last year. I cannot deny it always brings me some happiness seeing people leave supportive comments on my blog.

I also feel as though I have learnt a great deal about my peers through their introductory blog posts and their other blog posts. I have no doubt in my mind that this is mainly due to the randomiser giving us random people from our year to comment on. If we had to pick who's blog to comment on ourselves then we would likely stick to the people we became friendly with from first year and not move away from those people. The randomiser helped us to branch out more by letting anybody comment on anybody's blog.

In the future I will make it a priority to comment on as many blogs as possible, I will be sure to leave ideas about their games and also offer additional support in the coming weeks as the workload ramps up.

I also have a plan for the lucky final individual who will receive my last comment of this semester. They will receive a short message expressing my thoughts and feelings and my wish of happiness to them for the break and that they have a fantastic time.

Me seeing how good the design of my peers blogs look
Source: Flickr


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