Unity Tutorial 07
For this week I worked on Unity tutorials from Unit 4. Specifically, tutorials 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3. These tutorials provided me with new challenges which I had to work my way through.
I started with 4.1, this tutorial had a completely different setting than the tutorials I completed last week. The setting was a large tower-like structure stretching up into the night sky. I then added my player character as a sphere and a texture to make it look better aesthetically
In lesson 4.2 I added an enemy sphere and added a texture to that sphere. Afterwards I created a C# Script in order to make it follow the player around the map. I then proceeded to make the spawn location randomised.
During lesson 4.3 I added a power-up to my game. This allowed me to be able to knock the enemy sphere away. After this I changed my C# Script so that I would only have this power-up for a few seconds.
Unlike some of the Unity tutorials I had completed in previous weeks I experienced a degree of difficulty when I was handling this task. Hopefully I will not have the same issue with the tutorials that must be completed next week.