Unity Tutorial 08
This week was week 9. For this week I also had a Unity tutorial to complete. This tutorial was Unit 4 Lesson 4, a continuation from the tutorial I had completed last week. When I had first opened my Unity tutorial I had to fix a small error but this was relatively easy to take care of and I was able to move on to the rest of the tutorial.
For this tutorial my first task was to write a loop in C# to spawn 3 enemies at once at the beginning of the tutorial. I found this task to be relatively easy compared to the tasks from last week. I also added in some code so that the enemy balls would be destroyed if they fall off the platform. I proceeded to increase enemy count with waves and also spawn power-ups with new waves.
As I have now reached week 9 I feel very good about my Unity Tutorials, I found Unit 4 as a whole to be a bit more difficult than the other tutorials and I can't help but shake the feeling that the next Unity tutorials will be much more difficult. Regardless I am confident I will be able to deal with it.